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Organisation Development (OD)
Organization Development (OD) is a professional discipline for facilitating the desired change in organizations for enhancing their effectiveness. Primarily it is a culture building effort. The OD consultation process is anchored in Human Process facilitation, Action Research, Systems Theory and other connected concepts.
International OD Association (IODA) organized its Annual International Conference at Mysore, India on 24-27 August, 2016. Dr. Mohana Krishnan, the conference chair and the organizing Committee Members,  V.M.Ramalingam, Sushma Sharma and Dr.Bhavani were  organizing the conference. Peter Kalmar (Hungary), The Past President, presided over the conference in the absence of the newly elected President, Suzanne Zaldivar, USA.




_Abad & Ram in IODA

Dr.Abad Ahamed wearing the Richard Beckard Medallion

IODA Beckard Award 2016

With Dr. Abad Ahmed, former Vice Chancellor of Delhi University, a pioneer of OD in India, and a co-founder of Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Science (ISABS). He was honored by IODA with Dr. Richard Beckard Award for outstanding contribution for OD, in the International OD Association (IODA) Conference in Mysore, India (August 2016).



V.M.Ramalingam with Dr.Mohana Krishnan, the Vice-President of IODA. Appreciation for contribution to International OD Association (IODA); : Aug, 2016.



V.M.Ramalingam addressing the International Conference of IODA at Mysore, India, Aug, 2016. Peter Kalmar, the President (IODA), Ram Narayan, Director-HRD of Rane Group, India, Parashuram, Dy.Managing Director, Toyota India Ltd, Dr.Karuthaiya Pandian, IAS, The Director of Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Trichy, India, The Vice-Chancellor of Zurich University and dr.Mohana Krishnan look on.



Ramalingam with Dr. Abad Ahmed and Mr. Ramachandran, CSIR Scientist and Director of Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore, India



Dr.Parasuram, The Vice-Chancellor of Tata Institute of social sciences (TISS) is honoured.



Prof. Gouranga Chattopadyay made a presentation on “Psycho-dynamics of Organizations”. He was honoured for his contribution to the field of “Group Relations Conference (GRC)” and Psycho-dynamic interventions of OD in India.



A pre-conference workshop on “Consultation and Intervention Skills” was conducted on  22-23, August ’16, by V.M.Ramalingam and Dr.Eswara Prasad.


Dr. Mohana Krishnan, Dr.Abad Ahmed, V.M.Ramalingam and Dr. Bhavani.